Supporting artistic creation

Network Projects

We Support Talent

We are open to individual initiatives, but we will also prioritise proposals submitted to us by groups of artists who will stay in our facilities for medium-term periods. We have therefore been submitting applications to funding mechanisms for the realisation of artistic projects, valuing medium-term initiatives in a network with other similar entities.


Magellan Project

A cross-border project, also involving the regions of Alentejo and Andalusia, and supported by the POCTEP programme, it aims to promote the development of creative and entrepreneurial initiatives in the area of cultural and creative industries.

Creative entrepreneurship

We see all the support we give to the emergence of creatives and artists, betting on their entrepreneurial spirit (in the broadest sense of the term, meaning all people who want and show the ability to create and build something new) as a way of making a structural contribution to their professionalisation.

Museu Zer0

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