Ricardo Cruzes


Ricardo Cruzes was born in France in 1974. He graduated in Painting and Communication Design from ARCA-EUAC (Coimbra 93-98), where he was a student of Armando Azevedo, João Dixo and António Modesto.

He soon became an entrepreneur and co-founder of the companies Design ao Vivo and Moonshapes, working on the conception, management and production of creative projects in the multi-disciplines of design. His portfolio includes clients such as J. Walter Thompson, Banco Santander, Instituto Português de Museus, BP - British Petroleum, Montez Champalimaud, among others.

Guest speaker at the National Archaeological Museum as part of the implementation of the Museum's website, developed by his company and awarded by UNESCO (1st place internationally - Museums and Heritage category).

Selected for the Lisbon Challenge (Beta-i) programme, with the Feedcruncher product (500+ applications, 20+ countries).

He is co-founder of the software/startup Proppy CRM, recently renamed Casafari CRM by merger/acquisition by the multinational Casafari.

In 2018 he was a founding member of the Algarve Evolution - Algarve Tech Hub association.

Intensification of artistic activity since 2008 with public demonstrations from 2009. Resident artist at LAC - Laboratório de Actividades Criativas, in Lagos, where she has been working full time since April 2021.

Ricardo is co-curator of the travelling exhibitions that LAC holds every year, with resident artists and works from its vast collection.

He is co-author of the project Cruzes + Vargas = 3 (Portugal Kuwait), with Rui Vargas.

He is co-author of the project Hyperactive Memory Ruins (Portugal Norway), with Joel Arantes.

Museu Zer0

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